On the 11th of April we were delighted to host members of the PVMF at our manufacturing facility in Middlesbrough. Visitors were able to view our independently certified test bays and discuss with our pressure testing team how we set up safely for the hydrostatic testing of pipework and pressure containing components.
The Pressure Vessel Manufacturers Forum (PVMF) is a networking group of leading UK pressure vessel manufacturers who meet on a regular basis to share industry knowledge with regard to materials, production processes, international standards, legislative and employment issues.
The PVMF is sponsored and organised by Lloyd’s Register, but is chaired on a rolling basis by senior management representatives of pressure vessel manufacturers and the agendas are determined by the members of the forum.
Due to the beast of the east that recently graced its presence in the UK, we recently had to rearrange the site visit to QA Weld Tech for representatives of the Pressure Vessels Manufacturing Forum (PVMF).
The visit will now take place on 11th April where members of the forum will be given the opportunity to visit our nine adjacent workshops, in particular looking at our impressive pressure test set up.
This provides an excellent opportunity for members within the networking group – which includes 15 leading UK pressure vessel manufacturers – to share industry knowledge and other prominent topics such as material production processes and legislations. Events such as this allow the industry to improve through this knowledge exchange approach.
If you would like to find out more, please contact our Business Development Manager, Andrew Dean at adean@qaweldtech.com.
This week our Business Development Manager, Andrew Dean, attended the second Sellafield Ltd Directors Forum.
Held on the 19th March at Energus in Workington, the forum aims to act as a stepping stone in helping smaller companies to win business at Sellafield.
Having recently achieved Fit for Nuclear (F4N) and with a wealth of transferable skills and extensive experience, QA Weld Tech is looking to make its mark in the nuclear sector.
The full day event was engaging and informative, advising companies on a clear route into Sellafield. Delegates were given a full insight into the last six months and how the company has performed. There was also a session focusing on the procurement opportunities through Sellafield’s improved ‘Procurements on a Page’ scheme.
If you would like to get in touch with Andrew to find out more about QA Weld Tech and our core capabilities, please contact adean@qaweldtech.com.
The Government has recently announced that it will be supporting the research and development in mini-nuclear plants through providing £56m worth of funding.
The funding has been allocated to assess the potential of designs of advanced and Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and speeding up the development of these. It is anticipated that SMR’s will produce a tenth of electricity generated by larger-scale nuclear projects.
Anticipated to be deployed by the end of 2020, the mini nuclear plants are set to provide a solution towards Britain’s looming power crisis, whilst also being a cheaper alternative to the larger nuclear power plants.
Having recently received Fit for Nuclear (F4N) status, QA Weld Tech is delighted with the recent nuclear announcements and believes the boost in funding will help the UK to become a world leader in emerging nuclear technologies.