QA Weld Tech’s Technical Director, Richard Knowles, will be presenting at Pressure Testing 2017 held at the Institute of Mechanical Engineers in London on 5th December alongside other industry professionals. The seminar will present the safety risks posed by pressure testing of newly manufactured and installed pipework and pressure vessels, exploring examples of best practice, developing solutions and providing guidance on improved safety strategies.
With safety being QA Weld Tech’s number one priority and all of our occupational health and safety management systems in compliance with OHSAS 18001, Richard will discuss in detail how we safely pressure test finished components as well as explain the development of our new pressure test cells that are designed to meet the most stringent HSE guidelines.
It is an excellent opportunity to gain expert knowledge from professionals in their respective field and gauge an insight into the challenges that are faced both in factory and on site, learning how to understand and enhance testing processes and determining the best course of action going forward whilst remaining compliant with regulations.
Click here to book onto the seminar or for more information, contact rlknowles@qaweldtech.com