Back in April, we reported that we celebrated two years without a Lost Time Accident (LTA) and we are delighted to update that due to our ongoing commitment to safety, we are now approaching 1000 days incident free having spotted and removed over 650 hazards.
Our primary focus at QA Weld Tech is looking after our employees through engagement and regular safety meetings. By issuing individuals with a Hazard Spotting and Near Miss Reporting booklet, as well as encouraging all team members to report any cases of near misses and uncontrolled hazards to their line manager, it has been proven that we can prevent potential incidents from occurring and more serious accidents from happening.
We take pride in that we have such a close, dedicated workforce that have adapted to our ‘no blame’ culture and are able to open up in addressing issues that may be of concern as this helps towards us creating a safer environment for all.
To celebrate the success of 1000 days LTA free, every employee was presented with two new polo shirts as a reminder to not lose focus on safety goals as we aim to be at the forefront of good health and safety practice in our industry, setting the standards for others to follow.